Yesterday, i found an very useful USB flash disk on, which mainly made for iphone5/5C/5S/5SE/6/6P/6S/6SP, iPad 4/5/6, iPad mini2/3, iPod 4/amc, and even for the new upcoming any iphone products. The complete name is iDrive USB2.0 Flash Disk, i would like to introduce it to you in this post.
Compared with other flash card, iDrive is more stable and with fast transmission speed, use fluency! High-speed transmission, Data sharing, Needn't jailbreak, Needn't wifi, Batch operations, Resource Manager, one-click upload to share, Kmplayer.
- Backup photograph, video and files;
- Copy files to APP
- View the video and files directly
- Share pictures to Facebook, Twitter, Instagram
- Needn't iTunes: Directly copy pictures and files at any time any where, no internet and PC required.
- Support all of the computer and iphone above IOS7 and Windows/win7/win8/win10
- Compared with other flash card, iDrive is more stable and with fast transmission speed, use fluency!
- Very easy to use! Only need to download iDiskk Pro from App Store, support movie, music, picture and office use